I feel as though having a movie to go along with the first book of The Hunger Games would be beneficial to readers and fans as it would give them a visual representation of the story that they read and came to love, as well as giving the author more promotion and publication to promote the book even more.
Having a movie to show the visual representations and symbolism of The Hunger Games would give the readers an opportunity to compare and contrast their visuals and their images compared to the visuals shown and used in the movie, which would be very interesting to see. Having a display of visuals and in-colour reenactments of the goings on of the story, would make events more crucial and entertaining to watch as the combination of soundtrack, sound effects, picture, and acting would make the events more interesting to view.
Making a movie for The Hunger Games would make it so the author of the first book, Suzanne Collins, got more of a chance to promote her book and would, in the long run, promote and help advertise her as an author, which could help get her name even further out there. Having a movie for The Hunger Games would also help promote and advertise the series of The Hunger Games, which would bring in profits, as well as make fans more excited for the rest of the series.
I feel as though making a movie for The Hunger Games, would also give the film industry and genre another way to show young women, men, and everyone a story about an empowered woman and how she changed her world for the better: this is a great opportunity to show this more creative, and literary side to women empowerment and education amongst the movie-watching community, outside of the book.